The works consist in giving the sense of a single, unified space, from façade to façade. By getting rid of planted beds, the aim of the project is to bring back the original appearance of the main courtyard of the palace. A sense of continuity is created thanks to the use of similar materials and the smoothing of the surface. The leveling of the surface facilitates pedestrian paths and crossings without obstacles; the existing structure of the courtyard is taken into account including for the treatment of water. Variations in the alignment and the treatment of the stones help differentiate between the areas for circulation, areas for pedestrians and servicing areas. The specific type of limestone used allows for a wide range of results in terms of general shaping and detailing. The treatment of the courtyard is essentially mineral. Yet potted trees are an effective visual barrier to the presence of parked cars. Their adjusted height preserves the general view and perception of the monumental courtyard. The new graphic treatment is also an incentive for more regular parking. Parking spaces are made clearer while still remaining discreet. We suggested the integration of seating facilities and other furnishings (bins, ashtrays…) to the potted plants. This fusion of uses helps to avoid the multiplication of furnishings all over the courtyard. The idea is to present a free, open space while still offering element of daily comfort. These planted units become places of social interaction and the courtyard another place for exchange.